Valerocky | 2019-07-08 21:00 Add favorite Maybe she was behind that mask this whole time, no one can prove me wrong
Valerocky | 2019-05-14 19:00 Add favorite If you haven't already played it, go on your pc, no matter how crappy, and play the shit out of it
Valerocky | 2019-05-02 11:00 Add favorite Sauce: "Some_engineers_make_a_buildin_2day.sylveon.sfm" from Payton Tate on youtube
Valerocky | 2019-03-20 19:00 Add favorite Instead of posting repetitive memes, I prefer to experiment new templates and see where those go, I once gave birth to a popular template and I'm proud of it though I shouldn't
Valerocky | 2019-03-16 03:00 Add favorite I've had this crappy joke in mind for a long time but only now I've put in the effort to realise it, it's up to you to judge it whether it's worthless crap or it's a tad fun
Valerocky | 2019-03-13 03:30 Add favorite I challenge you all to extend this as much as possible each time opposing the last post it was took from
Valerocky | 2019-01-01 02:00 Add favorite It costs 4000$ to photograph with this weapon for 12 seconds